Arsh Syed, Real Estate Agent & Founder at Real Estate in Toronto

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Changes in the Canadian Real Estate Market: Housing Options, Urbanization, and Technology

Real 20Estate 20Landscape Canadian real estate market

The Canadian real estate landscape has evolved significantly over the years. In the past, the market was dominated by single-family homes, and there was a strong emphasis on homeownership. In recent years, however, there has been a shift toward more housing options, such as more high-rise apartment buildings, and a growing trend toward renting instead of owning. There has also been an increase in the number of people living in urban areas, leading to a more densely populated and diverse housing market. Also, the use of technology in the real estate business has grown a lot, and more people are using online platforms to look for and buy properties. Over the past few years, Canada’s real estate market has become more diverse, active, and tech-savvy.

This article will discuss some of the most significant shifts that have affected the Canadian real estate market and how they are still shaping the market today.

The Evolution of the Canadian Real Estate Landscape! Arsh Syed

 The Evolution of the Canadian Real Estate Landscape!

Interesting facts about the Canadian landscape

Canada is home to a wide range of climates and landscapes, from oceanic islands to boreal forests.

Canada has one of the world’s largest freshwater reserves. Almost 9% of Canada’s total area is covered by freshwater. The Great Lakes contain 18% of the world’s fresh surface water. The Canadian Great Lakes make up 10% of the country’s freshwater area.

Glaciers are frozen freshwater ice caps. Icefields and glaciers cover 2% of Canada, mostly in the Western Cordillera and Eastern Arctic mountains. Glaciers slow the hydrologic cycle by slowing the passage of water. Like groundwater, they store freshwater well.

There are 2 million lakes in Canada, ranging in size from a few hundred meters to a few hundred kilometers. Great Bear Lake is Canada’s largest lake at over 30,000 km2, or 5.8 million football fields. Great Slave Lake is the deepest lake in Canada. The maximum depth is 614 meters, higher than the CN Tower.

Canada’s climate varies from temperate in the south to arctic in the north. The country is also home to a wide range of ecosystems, including forests, mountains, and plains.

Canada is the world’s second-largest country by total area, after Russia. 

Toronto is home to 6.3 million people, making it Canada’s most populous metropolis.

Demographic Shift

The demographics of Canada are changing. The population is getting older and younger, as well as growing and shrinking. But it’s not just age groups that are changing; household composition is too, which has major real estate market implications. No easy answers exist for what this means for property investments.

Economic Shift

During this time, Canada’s economic landscape shifted from rural to urban and high-income to low-income.

Moving to cities made it easier to access services such as hospitals, schools, and public transportation. This increased the demand for city housing.

The housing supply in Canadian cities couldn’t meet demand, leading to high prices and overcrowding. This caused urban migration, which put pressure on existing dwellings.

Societal Shift

The demand for low-cost dwelling options has increased. Our population is getting older, which means there will be more people looking for apartments or condos to rent.

More and more people are residing in urban and suburban areas, and there is a shortage of land on which to expand existing infrastructure or construct new housing.

The appeal of living in larger, more compact cities is growing as well. Businesses and households are attracted to areas with convenient transportation options, and this includes pedestrian and bicycle paths. 

There is a need for affordable housing

Canadian cities have a growing need for affordable housing. This need exists not just in the big cities like Toronto and Vancouver but also in smaller communities across Canada.

The demand for affordable housing has increased across all income levels. Low-income earners are looking for low-cost options that will allow them to stay in their existing communities, while middle-income earners often want more space than what they can afford in their communities without moving farther from their jobs.

There is no quick solution to solving this problem; however, there are some things you can do to help out.

Support local organizations that work to provide affordable housing. These groups often have great ideas for how to create more affordable housing in your community. 

Talk to your elected officials about the need for more affordable options in your neighbourhood and ask them what they are doing about it.

Benefits of building more condo units

In the second half of the 20th century, single-family homes and low-density suburban sprawl made up most of Canada’s real estate market. This was a product of both government policy and cultural preferences. The government incentivized home ownership with mortgage tax breaks, and Canadians were consuming the American dream—a nice house in the burbs for everyone.

But as cities have grown denser over time, people have begun to show preference for urban living options such as condos or apartments rather than single-family houses in faraway suburbs. Condo projects now make up about 30% of all new home construction in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada’s most expensive major markets. 

New condo developments can be found throughout these cities’ downtown areas, where there are lots of amenities within walking distance, including shopping malls, restaurants, and parks, as well as transit connections that allow residents easy access to other parts of the city without having to drive themselves everywhere they want to go.

Affordable housing will be a key issue in the future

Another trend that will become increasingly important in the future is affordable housing. While there are many reasons why Canadians are facing a housing affordability crisis, one stands out. the lack of supply relative to demand. This can be seen in rising house prices, which have increased by 241 percent since 2000, according to data from Statistics Canada.

One solution is to build more multi-family dwellings, i.e., apartments and condos, which tend to be more affordable than single-family homes as they are less costly to build and operate relative to similar-sized units within detached houses or row houses, which generally have lower maintenance costs. As part of its mandate, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been encouraging developers to build more rental apartment units across the country so that there are more options available for those who need an affordable home but cannot afford one on their own. 

This problem is especially acute among young adults who struggle with student loan debt or recent immigrants trying to settle in a new country where finding employment may take some time due to their unfamiliarity with its customs and language barriers.

As demonstrated within this blog, it’s safe to say that the Canadian real estate landscape is changing. The introduction of new technologies and innovative ideas is driving the market forward and creating more opportunities for consumers and investors alike. 

As we have seen, these changes can be both positive and negative, depending on your outlook on life. However, one thing is certain: there will always be a need for homes because people want to live somewhere where they feel safe and secure.

The Canadian real estate landscape has evolved over the years, with various factors influencing its course. Real estate is a complicated business that requires a lot of knowledge and skill to run well. As such, it’s important for investors to understand how their investments are being affected by these changes so they can make informed decisions about investing in Canada’s future. 

It is important to know where property values started and how they have changed. We hope this information helps you make a decision about purchasing your next home. 

What are Canadian landscapes?

There are six main landscape regions in Canada, and each one has its own unique physical landscape. The Atlantic Provinces, Canadian Shield, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, Interior Plains, Pacific Cordillera, and Arctic North are the official names for these areas.

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If you have been considering buying, selling, or renting your home or have avoided the notion due to a negative experience, let Arsh Syed, a real estate agent in Toronto, manage the transaction.

His experience and understanding have been indispensable. He wants Toronto’s housing crisis to improve. He wants to establish relationships and spread the word about his exceptional service, increasing the likelihood that renters and property owners will place their faith in him.

Arsh wants property owners to know that by hiring him, they are drastically reducing risks, saving time, and saving money.

For further information about his services, please visit or contact (416) 844-2217

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