Arsh Syed, Real Estate Agent & Founder at Real Estate in Toronto

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Downsizing at 70

What is downsizing ? Downsizing means getting rid of some of your personal belongings. This is often done when moving to a smaller home, making the move to a retirement community, or just trying to simplify your life. As people get older, downsizing at 70 can become more important, but it can also be a hard and emotional process. The process involves setting up a way to sort personal items into categories like “keep,” “donate,” “sell,” and “throw away,” and then making hard choices about what to keep and what to get rid of. But downsizing can also be a freeing and rewarding experience, giving you space and freedom for new experiences and relationships.

As we age, we tend to acquire more and more belongings, including furniture, clothing, sentimental items, and mementos. However, as we approach our golden years, downsizing becomes a new obstacle we must overcome. Whether we’re downsizing, moving to a retirement community, or just looking to simplify our lives, letting go of our personal belongings can be a daunting task. With careful planning and organisation, however, downsizing can also be liberating and rewarding.

If you’re thinking about downsizing at 70, it’s important to start with a plan that works for you. Set a realistic goal and deadline, taking into account your physical abilities and energy levels. Sort your things into categories like “keep,” “donate,” “sell,” and “throw away” to stay organised and focused. If your family relationships are tense, you might want to hire a professional organiser or downsizing expert who can give you unbiased advice and support. Alternatively, you could ask trusted friends, neighbours, or community groups for help.

Especially if you have sentimental attachments to particular items, letting go of personal belongings can be emotionally challenging. However, it is important to remember that memories do not reside in physical objects, and that simplifying your life can make room for new experiences and relationships. Focus on the positive aspects of downsizing, such as the freedom and flexibility that accompany a simpler lifestyle, in order to be a courageous individual. Celebrate the memories and achievements associated with your belongings, and then let them go with grace and gratitude.

It’s never too late to simplify your life by downsizing and start over. Start getting rid of things as soon as you can so you have more time to think about what to do with them. Pace yourself and take breaks when you need to. If you can’t bear to get rid of certain items, think about reusing them or putting them on display. Digitising photos, documents, and other mementos is another way to keep memories alive without taking up space. Focus on the things that bring you joy and are useful, and don’t hold onto things out of guilt or obligation.

Downsizing is hard, but simplifying your life is worth it. Visualise the space, freedom, and opportunities you’ll gain. Downsizing at 70 is challenging but rewarding. Remember that downsizing is about living in the present and embracing the future.

In a nutshell, If you’re downsizing, plan ahead, prioritise your belongings, and get help from family, friends, or professionals. With the right mindset and approach, downsizing can be liberating and enrich your life.

Benefits of Downsizing

One of the benefits of downsizing is that it makes life easier, lowers living costs, and frees up physical and mental space for new experiences and relationships. By getting rid of material things, downsizing can also make you feel free and let you focus on the things that really matter. Downsizing can also be a good idea for people who don’t need as much space in their current home or who want to move to a retirement community. Also, downsizing can be a chance to pass on treasured items to loved ones or donate them to a good cause, leaving behind more than just personal belongings.

Alternatives to Downsizing

While downsizing can be a practical solution for simplifying one’s life and reducing living expenses, there are also alternatives to consider. For those who prefer to stay in their current home, but want to reduce clutter, decluttering and organizing can be a viable option. Renting a storage unit or utilizing space-saving furniture can also help maximize the use of existing space. Alternatively, some individuals may choose to renovate their home to better suit their needs or hire a home care assistant to help with daily tasks. Another option is to consider co-housing or shared living arrangements, where individuals or families live together in a community setting and share resources and responsibilities. Ultimately, the choice of whether to downsize or explore alternative options depends on individual circumstances and preferences.

Downsizing Home Checklist

A downsizing home checklist can help make the process of downsizing easier and less stressful. Some items that could be included on the checklist include setting a realistic goal and timeline, sorting personal belongings into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard), hiring a professional organizer or downsizing expert if needed, and focusing on the positive aspects of downsizing such as the freedom and flexibility that comes with a simpler lifestyle. Other helpful tips include starting the downsizing process early, taking breaks as needed, repurposing or displaying sentimental items, digitizing photos and documents, and prioritizing items based on practicality and joy.

What to do with Furniture When Downsizing

When downsizing, deciding what to do with furniture can be a challenge. One option is to sell or donate unwanted items. Another is to repurpose or reupholster furniture to fit a smaller space. It’s important to prioritize pieces that serve a practical purpose or hold sentimental value. Consider storage solutions such as renting a storage unit or utilizing multi-functional furniture. It’s also helpful to measure your new space before moving furniture to ensure it will fit.

Downsizing to a Condo

Downsizing to a condo involves moving to a smaller living space that is typically less expensive and easier to maintain than a larger home. The benefits of downsizing to a condo include reduced living expenses, simplified living arrangements, and access to community amenities. However, the process of downsizing to a condo can be challenging, as it often requires giving up personal belongings and adjusting to a smaller living space. To successfully downsize to a condo, it is important to carefully plan and organize the process, as well as consider factors such as location, budget, and lifestyle needs.

Downsizing tips for Empty Nesters

Downsizing is a significant life event that many empty nesters choose to undertake. Some downsizing tips for empty nesters include planning ahead, being realistic about what you can keep, starting early, sorting your belongings into categories, measuring your new space, getting help from professionals, being ruthless about what to let go of, and considering the future resale value of your new home. It’s also essential to consider your emotional attachments to your belongings and focus on the benefits of downsizing, such as a simpler and more manageable lifestyle.

Pros and Cons of Downsizing


The pros of downsizing include a simpler and more manageable lifestyle, reduced expenses, less time spent on cleaning and maintenance, the ability to move to a more desirable location, and the opportunity to declutter and get rid of excess belongings. Downsizing can also lead to a sense of liberation and freedom, as well as a reduced carbon footprint and increased environmental sustainability. Additionally, downsizing can provide financial benefits, such as freeing up equity in a home and allowing for a more comfortable retirement.


The cons of downsizing include emotional attachment to belongings, difficulty in letting go of memories, reduced living space, potential loss of privacy and autonomy, and the stress of the downsizing process. Additionally, if downsizing involves selling a larger home, there may be financial implications such as real estate fees, capital gains tax, and potential loss of equity. Downsizing may also require adjusting to a new community, lifestyle, and social network. Finally, there may be a feeling of uncertainty or fear of the unknown associated with downsizing.

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Arsh Syed
Meet the founder behind the vision:

Arsh Syed is a licensed real estate agent & the Founder of Real Estate in Toronto, has had a passion for the real estate industry since a young age. He finds joy in lending assisting hands to his clients with finding their ideal homes, facilitating learning, selling and leasing of their properties. Arsh spends his days diligently researching & showcasing houses to his clients, writing real estate blogs, spending quality time with his family while watching movies, playing with his two Siberian cats & most certainly binging HGTV.

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